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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

May one of these solutions help you? Plz choose just one solution:

Drawing Development

3:30 PM

In stark contrast to yesterday's lesson that was designed for adult learners, this one is designed for students just entering puberty. I love that Game On! has something to offer everyone!

After attending Bill Taverner and Tanya Bass’s training on the Center for Sex Education’s new puberty manual, Changes, Changes, Changes last week, I’ve been thinking a lot about puberty. I have a few classes with young people starting soon and at least two of them will include some puberty material – one of them will be with 9 – 11 year olds, and so will include a lot of puberty information. This young group will also be a relatively small one – probably around 10 kids. So I need something that will keep the atmosphere engaging and informative while light and fun and without the focus shining too brightly on any one student.

And so I am delighted to introduce you all to:


Puberty Sketchionary
with Bill Taverner

By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
1.     List three changes that can occur during puberty.
2.     State one important fact about puberty.

Puberty is a time in a person’s life when the body changes, both physically and psychologically, and develops into an adult.1Youth may have questions and concerns about puberty but at times find it challenging to determine sources to learn about puberty. Puberty Sketchionary is a multi-modal game that can be used to provide participants with a context to learn, review, question and communicate about pubertal changes in a humorous and friendly way.

1Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011). Body and mind: Questions answered. Retrieved from


As promised by the name, this activity provides young people with a fast-paced, engaging, and educational experience. Not to mention the fun of watching a friend attempt to draw something like “OVARIES RELEASE EGGS” and “FEEL MOODY.” There are more and less personal options than these that will be accessible to young people as well as push them to consider and talk about physical changes. There are a series of questions for the educator to bring to the students between each sketch and then at the end to guide a deeper understanding of pubertal development.

I’m looking forward to bringing this activity to my younger group of students – the class won’t be for a few months or so. This particular school is bringing me in for the first time this year, and they’re doing it in just the right way. I’m doing an training session with the teachers, followed by a series of meetings with the parents, and then I’ll start classes with the students. As a sexuality educator, it’s kind of my dream process – proactive rather than reactionary, educational engagement at all levels, and full support for a comprehensive approach.

I’ll let you know how this activity goes after I run it!

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