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Monday, July 7, 2014

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Most Common Sex Problems Of Men

9:00 AM

Sex is the most fascinating feeling a human ever experienced. To enjoy sexual health and to have happy sex life it is important to know the common problems which may ruin your sex life. The problems of men sexual health are often ignore and people hesitate to discuss such issues.  The most common problems of men sexual health are as mentioned below with the complete reference.

  • Tiredness: Men often complain about low stamina and poor energy which brings about tiredness resulting in poor sex life. Remedy for this problem is that one must have good sex session. Actually sex releases endorphins which brings energy and stamina. So sex is remedy for tiredness too.                       

  • Erectile dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction is inability to get penile erection in men. Mostly alcohol, diabetes, smoking etc causes erectile dysfunction. To cure erectile dysfunction we have several treatments like hormonal replacement therapy, kegel exercise, male enhancers, surgery etc which help to fight impotency.

  • Low libido: Low libido is condition resulting due to low testosterone. It is more often due to depression, narrowing of blood vessels, improper blood supply to the penile chamber. To fight low libido, it is important to get proper medication and guidance from doctor or health expert.

  • Premature ejaculation: Premature ejaculation is a condition of undesired ejaculation. Or it can define as the uncontrolled ejaculation either before sexual intercourse or in earlier phase of sexual intercourse. The exact cause for this problem is still unknown and the treatment for such conditions includes breathing techniques, physical exercise and activity and much more. 

Some of the above mentioned problems are common in men which are often hard to diagnose and requires special care too. Awareness and discussion about such problem is the healthy way to treat such conditions.

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